Rear Seatbelts anchor points (Innenausstattung)

Pedro Soares, (vor 19 Tagen)


My name is Pedro and i recently bought a 630CS Automatic from 1977. Its in good condition but with some details do improve.

As a father of 2 children i need to put rear seatbelts so i can use the car on weekends on some trips with all the family.

I also own 2 other classic Bmw´s, an e10 and an E30, the last is in paintshop but it will donate the rear seatbelts until i find some legit e24 ones.

My problem is that i cant find one of three of the anchor points for the rear seatbelt, the one on the C pillar, the one on the side of the rear seat are identified, but the one where the seatbelt strap roller fits, i cant find it on the car or on any picture on the web. Does anybody know where it fits? Is it on the trunk? But where?

Sorry for writting in English but i dont want to loose meaning on the translations.

Thanks in advance.



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